This is my first upload post. I've picked a few albums at random to give a brief idea of where my tastes range from.
Upload #1:
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal
1. Soulquake - 4:08
2. The Herald for Reason - 5:06
3. Chaos Attributes - 5:12
4. Blood Beguiles Phantoms - 4:57
5. Drakomorphos - 4:13
6. 8th Sphere - 5:31
7. With Black Aureoles - 4:21
8. Forsaking the Yoke - 6:21
Total Playing Time - 39:54
This album, well all of their albums really, are some of the 'lighter black metal' offerings today. That being said any fan of the genre should be able to enjoy this album, especially if you like Dimmu Borgir and the like. I've really been enjoying this album. Just put aside everything you know, or don't know, about black metal and just enjoy.
Download: Alghazanth - The Polarity Axiom
Upload #2:
Genre: Hip-Hop
Track List:
1. Infinite - 4:04
2. W.E.G.O. - 0:22
3. It's OK - 3:33
4. 313 - 4:14
5. Tonite - 3:44
6. Maxine - 3:58
7. Open Mic - 4:04
8. Never 2 Far - 3:41
9. Searchin' - 3:46
10. Backstabber - 3:26
11. Jealousy Woes - 3:22
12. Biterphobia - 3:40
Total Playing Time - 41:54
Eminem fans beware, this sounds nothing like anything he did after this. This album, regarded as a 'flop', is an inoffensive, minimal, and very subdued offering from the future agitator. This has more of a hip-hop offering then his newer albums do. Listening to this for the first time, I had to think that he sounded exactly like B.E.N.E.F.I.T.. Check it out if you're a fan of hip-hop.
Download: Eminem - Infinite

Country: USA
Genre: Post-Rock
Track List:
(1) The Great Leap Forward Poured Down Upon Us One Day Like a Mighty Storm, Suddenly and Furiously Blinding Our Senses. (2) We Stood Transfixed in Blank Devotion as Our Leader Spoke to Us, Looking Down On Our Mute Faces With a Great, Raging, and Unseeing Eye. (3) Like the Howling Glory of the Darkest Winds, This Voice Was Thunderous and the Words Holy, Tangling Their Way Around Our Hearts and Clutching Our Innocent Awe. (4) A Message of Avarice Rained Down Upon Us and Carried Us Away Into False Dreams of Endless Riches. (5) 'Annihilate the Sparrow, That Stealer of Seed, and Our Harvests Will Abound; We Will Watch Our Wealth Flood In.' (6) And by Our Own Hand Did Every Last Bird Lie Silent in Their Puddles, the Air Barren of Song as the Clouds Drifted Away. For Killing Their Greatest Enemy, the Locusts Noisily Thanked Us and Turned Their Jaws Toward Our Crops, Swallowing Our Greed Whole. (7) Millions Starved and We Became Skinnier and Skinnier, While Our Leaders Became Fatter and Fatter. (8) Finally, as That Blazing Sun Shone Down Upon Us, Did We Know That True Enemy Was the Voice of Blind Idolatry; and Only Then Did We Begin to Think for Ourselves.
Total Playing Time - 61:37
An amazing post-rock masterpiece. The reason why the times are missing, and the listing is off, is because I believe this is the way that it was supposed to be. If you hadn't already noticed the song titles form a paragraph, which is a story that the album music is based on. And the times are missing is because you shouldn't listen to just one song. The album is about an hour, each song plays into the next, so this should always be listened to as a whole.
Download: Red Sparowes - Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun
Upload #4:

Country: Germany
Genre: Dark Ambient
Track List:
2. Das Winterreich - 16:35
3. Morgengrauen - 2:09
4. Das Fahle Licht - 5:26
5. Stille I - 8:44
6. Stille II - 6:24
Total Playing Time - 45:01
There are no words to describe the amount of love I have for almost everything that this man does. There are few groups/artists that I put above Vinterriket. This is 45 minutes of pure, dark, atmospherical ambiance inspired by the forests of Germany. All I can say is to try it, it's not for everyone, but I recommend this to everyone because there is no way to know who will like it.
Download: Vinterriket - A Retrospektive

Country: USA
Genre: Parody
Track Listing:
1. Jurassic Park - 3:55
2. Young, Dumb, and Ugly - 4:24
3. Bedrock Anthem - 3:43
4. Frank's 2000" TV - 4:07
5. Achy Breaky Song - 3:23
6. Traffic Jam - 4:01
7. Talk Soup - 4:25
8. Livin' In The Fridge - 3:35
9. She Never Told Me She Was a Mime - 4:54
10. Harvey the Wonder Hamster - 0:21
11. Waffle King - 4:25
12. Bohemian Polka - 3:39
Total Playing Time - 44:34
Come on, amazing fun. That's all there is to say about 'Weird Al'. I personally think he's a musical genius, the one thing in the world I agree with Kurt Cobain on. Not his best album, but it has some good songs on it that I just can't get enough of.
Download: "Weird Al" Yankovic - Alapalooza